How to do a breast self-examination: the importance of how to do it to detect breast cancer early

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How to do a breast self-examination: the importance of how to do it to detect breast cancer early

*Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik

Breast cancer is the most diagnosed tumor in the world. In Spain, according to data from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (I'm here), in 2023 will be diagnosed 35.001 new cases.

Both in breast cancer and in any other, early detection is crucial, assuming a change in treatment and prognosis. For this reason, being aware of the importance of self-exploration is a very important fact.. A series of small gestures that can save your life. In Parrilla Julve Radiologas, experts in breast diagnosis in Valencia, We are committed to promoting breast health and self-examination awareness..

In this post we are going to guide you through the essential steps so that you can perform an effective breast self-examination..

Breast self-examination step by step

Paso 1: Choose the Right Moment

Breast self-examination is important and ideally once a month and if you are menstruating, do it a week after the start of your period.

On the contrary, if you have already gone through menopause, You can choose a fixed day a month to do it and thus create a routine that over time you internalize and do automatically and naturally..

We as expert breast radiologists in Valencia, We recommend that during the first few months you use alerts on your cell phone or a device that reminds you which day you have selected to do it..

Paso 2: Previous preparations

Before starting your breast self-examination, Find a quiet, well-lit place. It is important that you have a moment for yourself without external distractions.

Bare your upper body and make sure your hands are clean. You can do it standing in front of the mirror or lying in bed., as more comfortable you feel, but for the next step you must be in front of the mirror.

Paso 3: Visual Observation and Tactile Self-Exploration

A complete breast self-examination consists of two phases, the visual and the tactile. For the first part, the visual, standing in front of the mirror, Observe your breasts for visual changes.

It is important that you pay attention to the shape, the size and any alterations in the skin. Look for redness, lumps, dimples or changes in the nipple.

Make circular movements, raising your arms and observe if there are changes in the shape and symmetry of your breasts.

Tactile breast self-examination It is the most fundamental part of the entire process.

You can do it in the shower with wet hands or lying in bed with the arm on the side you are examining raised above your head.. Use the opposite hand to examine each breast.

Use the yolks of the 4 fingers, from the index to the little finger. Start at the armpit area and slide your fingers down, performing gentle circular movements. Experiment with different pressure levels to feel any lumps or changes in texture. Repeat the process throughout the breast, following a pattern to make sure you don't miss any areas, imagining, for example, the spokes of a bicycle on your mother., from the farthest part of the nipple, until you reach this one.

If you have any questions or anomalies, do not hesitate to visit us.; at Parrilla Julve Radiologists, We are expert breast radiologists in Valencia with more than a decade of experience.

Don't forget your nipples. Look for abnormal secretions, changes in shape or any redness. Don't forget to also examine the area behind the areola and nipple., applying gentle pressure on the nipple to detect possible masses.

It is important perform the same procedure on the other breast. Most women have differences in the texture and size of their breasts., so it is essential to know your body and its changes.

Paso 4: Consult a Health Professional

If you find any abnormalities during breast self-examination, try not to panic, since not all abnormalities in your breasts are

indicative of breast cancer, but it is essential that you consult a health professional.

Go to your reference center to take a more advanced exam, including mammograms or ultrasounds for accurate diagnosis, es crucial.


Breast self-examination is a simple practice that can make a difference in the early detection of breast cancer. In Parrilla Julve Radiologas, We are experts in breast radiology in Valencia and we encourage all women to incorporate this routine into their health care..

Remember, Knowledge and early detection are the best tools to keep your breasts healthy and your well-being in general.. By incorporating this routine into your life, You will know the texture of your breasts better and you will more easily notice any changes that may occur at some point in your life.. If you have any questions or queries you can contact us through our social networks or through our conventional channels.

Our phone 963 34 83 32 or our email

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