


What is a densitometry?

Densitometry is a specialized X-ray technique used to measure the bone mineral density, Or what is the same, are calcium content. It is used to diagnose osteoporosis and with it the possibility of determining the risk of suffering a bone fracture.

Thanks to this test, it is possible to assess the health of our bones, keep track of the bone loss that we may suffer over the years and monitor the response of our bones to a treatment. Besides, It allows us to detect a disease as harmful as osteoporosis at an early stage and establish treatment in the initial phase of said pathology..

It is practiced in the hips and at the bottom of the spine (zona lumbar).

What does the test consist of?? Do I need any preparation?

If your clothes do not contain any metal, you won't need to undress. If not so, this is not a problem, since the technician will ask you to undress and put on a disposable gown that she will give you at that moment.

The technician will weigh and measure you to adapt the test to each patient. Once this is done it will ask you to lie face up on the stretcher, remaining as calm and relaxed as possible, since it is necessary that in this position, the scanner passes over the entire body, emitting radiation with low doses X-ray.

The implementation of the technique is quick and does not cause any discomfort to the patient, except the need to remain as still as possible during its execution.

Generally, Control densitometry is usually performed every two years to observe the evolution of bone mineral loss and the response to treatment..

What happens if you wear a metal prosthesis?

This It is not a problem, since the technician will adapt the test to your situation, measuring mineralization in that area where there is no prosthesis.

When will I have the results?

Once the test is finished, from the graphs with the results obtained, The radiologist will prepare a report reflecting the conclusion on the state of the mineralization of your bones, which you will take printed the same day, to give to your doctor, Who will interpret that result?.

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