This test allows us to assess the abdominal organs, like liver, gallbladder and bile duct, pancreas, kidneys, basis, bladder, uterus, ovaries and prostate. We can also evaluate some alterations at the intestinal level..
Does it require special preparation?
And, We need you to come to your appointment at fasting 6 hours. You can take your usual medication with water.
In order to make a better assessment of the bladder, we need you to drink water so that it is full.
How is the test?
We will ask you to lie down face up on the stretcher, leaving your exposed abdomen and slightly lowering the waist of the pants or skirt.
The radiologist uses a gel that will be placed on your skin to do the ultrasound, thus valuing each of the organs. It is a painless test.
When will I have the results?
The radiologist will inform you of the results obtained and will prepare the report that will be printed to you. once the test is finished.
It is indicated in the study of patients with symptoms that suggest thyroid pathology. (palpitations, dysphonia, high dyspnea, dysphagia), in the study of cervical masses, in study of thyroid pathology detected by other methods, monitoring treatment effectiveness, follow-up of the surgically operated patient and population studies such as epidemiological studies.
Does it require special preparation?
No. Come no necklaces or chains, since we need a clear neck to be able to evaluate the thyroid with the ultrasound.
Preferably with a shirt that can be opened at the front or a wide collar and with your hair tied up..
If you have had a thyroid ultrasound study or other tests such as a scintigraphy performed at another center, histological study of a thyroid nodule, aportalas, to be able to compare results and assess evolution.
How is the test?
We will ask you to lie down on the stretcher with your neck hyperextended., Sometimes you can put a small pillow under your shoulders to help..
The radiologist will put a gel on the skin of the neck. Avoid talking, cough or swallow unless instructed to do so by the radiologist.
We perform an assessment of the thyroid and the cervical lymph node chains bilaterally..
When will I have the results?
The radiologist will inform you of the results obtained and will prepare the report that will be printed to you. once the test is finished.
You are going to have a musculoskeletal ultrasound (shoulder, thousand, ankle, etc). This technique is used to assess the tendon injuries, Presence of bursitis, pathology of the joints (rheumatoid arthritis or other arthropathies). It is also used to assess the presence of soft tissue masses. Ultrasounds are used for this examination.. To begin the examination, a transparent gel will be placed on the skin in the area to be studied.. Then the specialist will give you a device that sends ultrasounds and receives the echo.. This echo is transformed into an image that we see on the television monitor.
The ultrasound is performed by a specialist, what do you need from your collaboration. He or she will tell you what to do and when you can leave.. Be attentive and follow their instructions so that the test goes well.
The duration of the study is variable, usually some 15 minutes, depending on the area to be explored.
How should you prepare?
What does it consist of?
It is known as pediatric ultrasound or neonatal ultrasound, to that diagnostic test used, especially, in patients of early ages who, by using ultrasound waves, allows a complete examination of the child's body.
It is a painless and completely safe test for the minor, since it does not use radiation and, therefore, will not have any side effects on the development of internal organs and structures.
Pediatric ultrasound is a very useful test for the elaboration of very diverse diagnoses, since it provides a great reliability in the results. Among other things, This is because the child's body contains more water and less fatty tissue than the body of an adult., which facilitates the observation of internal structures.
Usually, pediatric ultrasound will be prescribed by the pediatrician or by a medical specialist, in the event of anomalies or as a control test.
When undergoing a pediatric ultrasound, the patient will be placed in the most appropriate position, depending on the area to be studied. Posteriorly, A gel will be applied to help the ultrasound slide on the patient's skin.. The duration of the test will range between five and ten minutes.. He will always be accompanied by his mother, parent or legal guardian during the procedure.
Advantages and disadvantages of ultrasound
It is a non-ionizing imaging diagnostic technique, harmless, no side effects described, no known contraindications.
Es painless and well tolerated, which favors the adherence of our little patients.
Allows repeated checks, es manageable, dynamic, fast and immediately accessible.
Offers soft tissue image quality comparable to MRI and superior to plain radiology.
The presence of gas and bone surfaces prevent obtaining good quality images, making it impossible, sometimes, performing the diagnostic test.
Types of examinations and pathology studied
We can realize all typical adult examinations plus some specific ones for children. In summary it would be an abdominal examination, urological examination, cervical, soft parts, skeletal muscle, newborn hips, female and male genital tract and in the case of neonates brain ultrasound.
abdominal ultrasound: abdominal pain (AND) in all its variants (nonspecific AD, recurrent AD, acute AD, etc.) es, with much, the reason for most abdominal examinations. Analytical alterations (liver function). Dyspepsia; constipation study.
Urological ultrasound: urine infections, enuresis, monitoring of pyelocalyceal dilations and hydronephrosis, alterations in kidney function, microhematuria, screening in children with a family history of polycystic kidney disease.
Inguinoscrotal ultrasound: especially useful in testicular asymmetry,
testicular pain, cryptorchidism, epididymal cysts,
hydroceles, cord cysts, hernia inguinoescrotal..
Pediatrics: testicular asymmetry, testicular pain, cryptorchidism, epididymal cysts, hydroceles, cord cysts, hernia inguinoescrotal.
Gynecological ultrasound: menstrual disorders, dysmenorrhea, hirsutism.
Neck ultrasound: lymphadenopathy, fibromatosis necks, parotitis, thyroglossal duct cysts. The study of the thyroid is of particular interest: analytical alterations, congenital hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, nodules.
Musculoskeletal ultrasound: screening for hip dysplasia and dislocation in infants, suspected hip synovitis, bruises and lumps, Baker's cysts.
Soft tissue ultrasound: lumps from any location, lymph nodes of any location, strange bodies.
Monitoring of already diagnosed pathologies: steatosis, simple cysts, the already mentioned pyelocalyceal dilations and hydronephrosis, single kidney patient.
Screening: within the protocols of certain syndromes, for example in the screening of abdominal tumors in Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome or the aforementioned in children with a family history of polycystic kidney disease..
If the test requires specific preparation, you will be informed when you request the appointment..
What is urological ultrasound?
Urological ultrasound is an anatomical-structural evaluation using ultrasound that allows a study of structures of the urinary tract such as the kidneys, ureters, urethra and bladder, as well as the diseases that may be found in these organs. In men, the prostate is also studied and the changes it may undergo..
What does it consist of?
Urological ultrasound is performed the same as an abdominal or thoracic ultrasound. The patient will lie on a stretcher, usually with the abdomen and lower abdomen exposed. The specialist will apply a special conductive gel and pass over the transducer, to analyze the area. The images will be viewed on a monitor. Sometimes it will be necessary for the patient to turn on his side so that some organs can be seen better..
Preparation for urological ultrasound
No specific preparation is necessary. So, it will not be a requirement to fast, but yes the bladder is full, so you should drink plenty of water before the test and not go to urinate. you have to drink abundant water from, at least, two hours before the ultrasound. The fact that the bladder is full facilitates visualization of the walls and surrounding organs, like ovaries, the uterus or prostate, in the case of men. When the requested test requires measurement of the post-micturition residue the patient will go to the bathroom to urinate and return to the ultrasound room to reassess the bladder.
Skin ultrasound allows you to see firsthand the different layers that make up the skin and its condition., providing information that may be relevant for the treatment of skin lesions, not only inflammatory or tumorous., but also aesthetic alterations.
Ultrasounds are used for this examination.. To begin the examination, a transparent gel will be placed on the skin in the area to be studied.. Then the specialist will give you a device that sends ultrasounds and receives the echo.. This echo is transformed into an image that we see on the television monitor.
How should you prepare?
This test does not require any specific preparation. It is necessary to wear clothing that is easy to put on and take off and comply with minimum hygiene standards.. It is also advisable not to bring necklaces, chains or pendants. IF YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION OR CLARIFICATION, DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK BEFORE YOU START THE TEST.
Skin Ultrasound can be used in:
Benign skin tumors: to improve clinical examination by making deep skin structures evident, at the level of skin appendages.
Non-melanoma skin cancer: It is of great help to observe the degree of local invasion and neighboring structures of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma., which is useful when considering the most appropriate oncological treatment.
It is also helpful in avoiding injury to adjacent unaffected structures..
Melanoma: allows establishing a patient prognosis and offering the most appropriate treatment, thanks to the observation of the Breslow index and the presence of local distant metastases.
Inflammatory skin disease: helps distinguish the degree and extent of any inflammatory skin process, hair or nails. In Hidrosadenitis, supports the diagnosis and helps detect subclinical lesions and occult fistulas.
Infectious diseases: In abscesses it helps to measure collections and extension, and discard collections. In the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), allows assessing the extent of plantar warts, or resolve doubts about hyperpigmentation, etc.
Dermatoesthetics: With ultrasound we help to identify the injectable fillers, interpreting the various ultrasound patterns systematized according to the areas and skin planes in which they are located. In most cases, the patients themselves are unaware of the type of material that has infiltrated them.. For the dermatologist it is important to know your origin and characteristics since the increase in the use of these materials also leads to an increase in the unfavorable effects, which makes it essential to better understand the survival of the injected material through ultrasound, its correct location in the fabric and its possible migration to areas other than those intended.